The Importance of the Three Keys
And while we are clearly in the honeymoon stage, with much work to come, it has been a wonderful love affair. The church, which is predominantly Caucasian, has “met me halfway” and responded to my requests for the occasional “Amen” with a vigor which I wasn’t expecting.
Most of all, I feel God’s presence more and more. I am enjoying a love affair with my Lord Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit. And while I have temporarily put my book projects to the side, I am gearing up to produce more work in the near future, including a print version of the audiobook I put out in March. An audiobook which, a new client recently told me, had changed his life for the better. I have my very own website and blog (at and got my first article in Parabola Magazine – a wonderful quarterly publication that focuses on all things Spiritual — where I wrote about the Spirit in the African American Church. I enjoy leading a tight-knit prayer group on Tuesday evenings where the Holy Spirit has been meeting us so powerfully that we often go twenty minutes overtime. This group has been going on for four years at the Friendship Baptist Church – a predominantly African American Church in Hamden, CT. In short, I could not be more blessed.
The Overcomer Hour
I have been blessed to be part of The Overcomer Hour, a fresh, new, interactive online platform that provides spiritual and emotional support through reflections, music, experience sharing and prayer.
The Overcomer Hour team is led by Pastor Jean-Fritz Guerrier, vocalist Vicky Mariconde, and myself. Learn more at You can also register to attend here: